Optimising Personal Audience Response Systems technology to enhance student learning in teacher education lectures

New technologies are integral to the lives of most ‘Generation Y’ students. They tend to be visually-oriented learners, prefer relaxed and socially conducive learning environments, and anticipate engaging, relevant, and authentic learning experiences. Work environments commonly assume prospective employees to be technologically competent. In particular, school teachers are expected to embed new technologies in their teaching. As teacher educators at Edith Cowan University mindful of these imperatives we recently trialled a Personal Audience Response System (PARS) in our education lectures to e... Show more

Authors: De Jong, Terry; Lane, Jenny; Sharp, Sue ... [+] Show more

Published: Sydney, New South Wales, HERDSA, 2009

Resource type: Conference paper

Physical description: [11] p.

Access item: http://www.herdsa.org.au/system/files/HERDSA2009_DeJong_T.pdf Request Item from NCVER

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