Improving practice in Australia's vocational education and training sector through communities of practice

The term community of practice (CoP) was developed in the early 1990s to describe a mode of social learning. The wide-ranging use of CoPs in the Australian vocational education and training (VET) sector commenced in 2001 as part of the program called Reframing the Future. The authors report on an evaluative study of 31 CoPs funded in 2005. The chapter provides a summary of findings from the literature about the benefits of CoPs, the methodology used to evaluate the CoPs, some key themes emerging from the evaluation, and a discussion of the benefits of CoPs, particularly for individual practiti... Show more

Authors: Mitchell, John; McKenna, Suzy; Young, Susan

Published: Charlotte, North Carolina, Information Age Publishing, 2008

Resource type: Book chapter

Access item: Request Item from NCVER

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