Higher apprentices' transition from school to work: case analysis on the education of technicians in Guangzhou Technician College, in China

From 2010-2012 Guangzhou Technician College carried out a pilot project to support higher apprentices' transition from school to work. Of the 14 higher apprentices who trained at the Guangzhou Machine Tool Plant, six graduated with technician vocational qualifications and were employed by Guangzhou Machine Tool Plant. The pilot project suggests that some reform is needed to spread the apprenticeship model in China. First, the apprenticeship and the formal education system should be integrated. Second, the rights and obligations of enterprises in apprenticeships should be defined. Third, an edu... Show more

Authors: Li, Zongguo; Wu, Hao

Published: Melbourne, Victoria, Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2015

Resource type: Conference paper

Access item: Request Item from NCVER

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