Implementing the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) at national level: some insights from the PEN Leonardo project

[European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training] EQAVET, the quality assurance tool in vocational and educational training, was developed in response to the need for a supply of a trained workforce for labour market needs. Implementation of EQAVET at national level, however, remains a challenge. The research reported here focused on the implementation of quality assurance (QA) processes by [vocational education and training] VET providers in four countries: Malta, Italy, Turkey, and Sweden. Data was collected through a questionnaire with 62 VET providers. Responses showed that... Show more

Authors: Gatt, Suzanne; Faurschou, Kim

Published: Bremen, Germany, Institute Technology of Education, University of Bremen, 2016

Resource type: Article

Access item:[]=142

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