Challenges for strengthening the health workforce in the Lao People's Democratic Republic: perspectives from key stakeholders

Background: The Lao People's Democratic Republic is facing a critical shortage and maldistribution of health workers. Strengthening of the health workforce has been adopted as one of the five priorities of the National Health Sector Strategy (2013-2025). This study aims to identify, explore, and better understand the key challenges for strengthening the Laotian health workforce. Methods: This study applied exploratory and descriptive qualitative methods and adapted a working life-span framework. Twenty-three key stakeholders with particular insights into the current situation of the health wor... Show more

Authors: Qian, Yi; Yan, Fei; Wang, Wei; Clancy, Shayna ... [+] Show more

Published: London, England, BioMed Central, 2016

Resource type: Article

Physical description: 13 p.

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