'Like cars or breakfast cereal': IELTS and the trade in education and immigration

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the test used to assess the English language skills of international students, and an integral component of the trade in education services in Australia. Originally designed to assess language skills appropriate for tertiary study, IELTS has since acquired other functions. Primarily, as a result of government policy decisions, it has become a dual-purpose test: both a test of English language abilities and a means of controlling immigration. In this paper, I argue that these purposes are mutually incompatible and that this link has signi... Show more

Authors: Ahern, Sarah

Published: [Hindmarsh, South Australia], Australian Council of TESOL Associations, 2009

Resource type: Article

Access item: https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=065328178845270;res=IELHSS

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