Continuity and change: employers' training practices and partnerships with training providers

This study provides a comprehensive picture of the way in which employers navigate the Australian training system and establish partnerships with registered training organisations (RTOs). In terms of evolution over the last 20 years three key factors emerge: (1) while the take-up of nationally recognised training by employers has not increased substantially, this type of training is being used in different ways; (2) the nature of the partnerships between RTOs and employers has changed, from a relationship based on fee-for-service provision to one based on long-term mutual collaboration; and (3... Show more

Authors: Smith, Erica; Smith, Andrew; Tuck, Jacqueline; Callan, Victor J.

Published: Adelaide, South Australia, NCVER, 2017

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 111 p. (report) + 177 p. (support document)

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