On-the-job training: returns, barriers to provision, and policy implications

Firms that provide on-the-job training do so when it is critical to their productivity - and when productivity is critical to their survival. This paper begins by confirming a significant and positive return from on-the-job training on wages and productivity, as well as the presence of positive externalities from on-the-job training, while discussing the methodological considerations at play. The paper then reviews and validates the presence of market failures such as information asymmetries within the firm as a result of low-quality management practices that dampen firm demand for on-the-job ... Show more

Authors: Saraf, Priyam

Published: Washington, District of Columbia, World Bank, 2017

Resource type: Report, paper or authored book

Physical description: 59 p.

Access item: http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/215081496860711954/pdf/WPS8090.pdf

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